We decided to use this free wiki tool 'PBworks' so you can all access the resources and information after you have finished the PGCE programme at UCL IOE. We can all edit the Wiki.
Definition of a Wiki: 'A wiki is usually a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others.' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki
LOTC sessions:
Choose the correct page from the right-hand side depending on your venue. There should be a page for your venue by the end of the introductory session. If there isn't you could create one or email Rebecca Rebecca.wilson@ucl.ac.uk to make one. Remember you will be sharing the pages with other groups. You may need to scroll down the page to find some space and be careful not to delete others work. Don't worry though - a Wiki never forgets and has a history; we can revert to an earlier version if anything does wrong.
The idea of the wiki is to create a directory of possible visits within London, for this to work well, the wiki pages will act as signposts to further information you have created/stored elsewhere online (eg using 'Slideshare' for PowerPoint, 'Glogster' for interactive posters and so on - full list of ideas included further down the page). This wiki has limited storage so avoid uploading documents directly into it (esp PowerPoint and video clips), this is a good skill to learn and is something you could mirror in class when developing content for a class blog or wiki.
Information you need to include on your Wiki page entry:
Name of your group:
Participants: Full names and teaching group
The Venue: Name and address of the place you are visiting (eg The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DN - Page name: 'The National Gallery' )
Introduction: A short paragraph of text about your venue including a link to the educational page of the website related to your visit (if there is one) and any key information for educational visits.
Link(s) to key documents: You will need to share your lesson plan, a mini medium term plan (one side of A4) and a risk assessment. You will need to include a link to a short presentation (5 mins) that provides more detail about your venue as well. These can be in separate documents or merged as one (eg a PowerPoint could contain all information so you would simply have to upload the 'PowerPoint' into 'Slideshare' and then post the link to that 'Slideshare' in this wiki). Alternatively, you may decide to have one link to a document for the lesson planning and risk assessment information and another link to a short video in 'Vimeo' or an interactive poster using 'Glogster' to provide the detail about your venue.
If you choose to use a PowerPoint please upload it FIRST on a presentation hosting website for example:
Your document/presentation could be on one of the websites below. You will need to sign up first and create an account to these websites and then you can create or upload resources. Here are some examples of Web based tools you might like to use to create your document/presentation about the place you choose to visit:
Padlet online post-it note creator where you can share text and digital media
Prezi create a zooming presentation tool with great templates (you can upload pdfs into Prezi)
Pinterest create a mood board and 'Pin' images and hyperlinks as well as write text
Youtube upload your own video to 'Youtube' or link to a relevant one
Vimeo upload your own video to 'Vimeo'
Voicethread create a sequence of images and text where others can add voice or text contributions
Scribd upload documents such as pdfs
Slideshare upload documents such as PowerPoints and pdfs
Google drive (was called Google docs) contains a range of tools to enable collaboration and sharing, including text documents and presentations - You can use this to collaborate in your group as well as share the final documents on the Wiki. (remember to set the permissions for the final document you are sharing so 'Everyone with the link' can see it)
Popplet create simple mind maps online and link to photos and videos
If you need any help with any of the web tools that have been mentioned or the Wiki do get in touch with Rebecca Rebecca.wilson@ucl.ac.uk
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